Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Sunday!!

Happy Sunday!!!
It's been raining and just the kind of week-end where you want to eat soups and stews and curl up with a good book. We actually just watched movies all day yesterday. I made ham and bean soup and some chili and rice. Today I think I'll just make a nice potato soup and some biscuits.

Hubby is still really sick. Last night I had to go pick Jes up from work because he was dizzy and could hardly walk. I sure as hell wasn't gonna let him drive. I think his cold has settled in his ear so I am treating him for an ear infection. The poor baby. He's got high blood pressure and most of the over the counter meds play havoc with his prescribed meds so I fix him naturally.

I'm not even going to get dressed today. I'm in lazy mode for today...I'll do a bit of laundry perhaps but other than that I am not doing much more. Maybe I'll even take a nap this afternoon. LOL!! I'll be back.

Happy Cooking,